12 questions and 12 statistical responses to the population’s mobility behaviour

Note: Based on data from 2021, results therefore influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic

For what purposes do people most often travel?

The most important purpose for mobility is leisure.
Nearly half of the distances travelled in Switzerland are for leisure activities – a good quarter for work.

And at what times of day do they travel?

For leisure, people are on the move throughout the day, especially later on in the afternoon.
For work, especially in the morning, at noon and late afternoon.

How many kilometres do people travel per day?

30 kilometres

And which means of transport do they use the most?

The most kilometres are covered by car: 20.8 km per day.
But people spend the most time travelling by foot: 30 minutes per day.

How long do people spend per day in total travelling?

80 minutes

How does the mobility of the various population groups differ?

The age comparison shows: young adults are particularly mobile.
And those who live in the countryside travel 8 km more per day than those who live in the city.

And what about the cantonal differences?
For example, where do people travel the most by public transport?

In the urban cantons. This is where the public transport shares are highest.
In Basel-Stadt, 31% of the distances are travelled by public transport.

How has mobility changed recently?
In 2021, did people travel fewer kilometres due to the COVID pandemic?

Yes, the daily distance in 2021 was 7 kilometres less than in the last survey in 2015.

And how has the importance of the different trip purposes changed compared with 2015?

The distances have decreased for all trip purposes, especially for education and leisure.

And the various means of transport?
How did the distances change in 2021?

Distances decreased for almost all means of transport – especially for railways.
Only exception: The e-bike. Its daily distance has almost tripled since 2015.

How does the use of e-bikes differ from that of conventional bikes?

The individual routes travelled are longer on average: Bicycle: 3.6 km; e-bike: 5.2 km
The speed is higher: Bicycle: 13 km/h; e-bike: 16 km/h
People who ride a bicycle tend to live in the city, and are 38 years old on average.
People who ride an e-bike tend to live in the countryside, and are 49 years old on average.

Up to now, the focus was on daily mobility inside Switzerland.
But how many kilometres did people travel in 2021 in total?

The total annual mobility per person was 14 926 km, of which 11 194 km in Switzerland 19% less than in 2015 and 3732 km abroad (66% less than in 2015). A total of 2394 km were covered by plane (73% less than in 2015).

Do you have more questions about the population’s mobility behaviour?

Consult the detailed results of the Mobility and Transport Microcensus

On the corresponding web page of the Federal Statistical Office’s you will find:

  • A detailed report
  • Numerous tables (for all cantons and agglomerations)
  • Information for specialists (confidence intervals, method documents, etc.)

On the corresponding web page of the Federal Office for Spatial Development’s you will find several in-depth analyses, including on:

  • Mobility in the agglomerations
  • Mobility in rural areas

What is the Mobility and Transport Microcensus?

  • The largest statistical survey on the mobility behaviour of Switzerland’s inhabitants.
  • Carried out every five years since 1974.
  • Among other things, the results serve as a basis for the preparation and validation of policy measures in the areas of transport, spatial development, energy and the environment.
  • For the 2021 edition, 55 000 randomly selected people were interviewed by telephone.
  • The Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) are responsible for the survey.